Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A man's best friend is his cat?

Normally at this time of the evening I am on my couch and I usually have cats sleeping around me. Today no cats to be seen. I am not sure were they are in the house at the moment. The two younger cats have a birthday next Tuesday so I will be letting my son plan something for their birthday. He wants to be here at my home on that day. Its a big thing for him. My cats do at times provide company and entertainment. They also end up frustrating me at times by detroying things in the house.

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1 comment:

ida said...

my daughters dog cookie likes to eat mp4 players. thank God i have never boughten the expensive ipod. lol . this last one she ate was high up on a counter stool type chair in a pocket. now tell me how a shiz/poodle did that at 11 pounds. though she is a good jumper........if i place anything higher for her i think i'll hang it on the ceiling.