Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer time traditions

Today I have my kids and we are enjoying on of our summer time spots. The kids like to go to Psi Ote park behind Indian Village Elementary school. This is good with me as I can see trains roll by and they can go out In the park and go nuts. Its a good time for all. The park has upgraded the play ground equipment since I went to school here. We are again starting up the Summer time traditions that we have started. I guess this will work to keep them happy until they are older.

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Sheila said...

I think it's great you have some family traditions going on.

ida said...

i am with you all 100 percent. you need your family traditions. speaking as a child to my folks. i look fondly back on the times my mother and i played board games. (rich uncle, monopoly, cards) i also liked when my dad taught me to drive even though we probley wanted to kill each other in the process. tasha and i have a starbucks thing going on and also i really only like shopping when i am with her. there are pobley alot more but i dont see it with her eyes just mine.