Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yes Virgina there are still phone booths

Just like a blast from the past there it is. Yes, I have spotted two of these babbies in town recently. I thought all the phone booths were gone or just a thing from the past. This one, sadly enough, was missing the door. The only thing I didn't see was Clark Kent rushing into it to change.

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ida said...

where are they omg. i thought they were all gone too. i'll have to look around and see if there are any here in indy.

Ritchie said...

The one in the picture is near Cregiton and Broadway. The other one I saw was near Fairfield and Jefferson. The one at Cregiton and Broadway was their, gone, and is now back.

Jared's Random Thoughts said...

I have seen that phone booth too Ritchie! I wonder how much it costs to make a call these days?

Ritchie said...

Last phone call I made from a pay phone was fifty cents. That was about two years ago when I forgot my cell phone.

Sheila said...

Phone booths are no longer government regulated so the companies that put them out there can charge whatever fee they want. It should be listed on the phone booth itself. I think they are sadly going to be extinct one day just like so many things from my childhood.