Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Old man winter finally arrives

Monday we saw the first offical snow fall of the year that stuck to the ground. I personally could have gone all winter with out any snow, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. At least it "looks a lot more like Christmas".

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ida said...

i was kinda happy for the snow too. but, my neighborhood still looked like the abandon home poop hole that it always has been. just looks more rough this year.

ida said...

i was rereading my comment. and i thought i should clairfy about how many empty homes i have around me. today my daughter and i drove down a few of the main residental streets all within 2 miles of my house. now, we didnt drive all the side type of streets like my own. but in a 2 mile radius i counted about 50 empty homes. if i had went down the other streets i think i could have brought it up to at least 70 without blinking an eye. or even 75. its out of control. i even got to show her what a sheriffs notice looks like from the street. lol what an informative day.