Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Small Wonders

As I was walking along today I came across this little thing as I nearly stepped on it. As a slug goes I guess this isn't a little one. But this is one of God's small wonders. I don't remember slugs being quite this big when I was a kid. I am glad I noticed it and was able to hold the camera still enough to take this photo. It is amazing the things we walk through life and miss because we are just too busy to notice them. It had been a very long time since I had seen one of these, quite possibly back in my child hood somewhere. P.S. I haven't been a kid for quite some time.

1 comment:

ida said...

i saw a bright yellow catapiller down here next to the building i work in about a week or so ago. i had never seen a bright yellow one before in my life. so this brings me to this ritchie....i think this earth of ours is changing. will it affect us? who knows. perhaps when we are old. but, that is why we need God in our lives. i have been noticing alot of things in the news lately and one is giant squids. yes, ritchie giant squids off the coast of mexico one was the size of an suv. that was on yahoo news. then on other news soarches there were giant squids off northern calfornia up to the state of washington. even in canada. these squid were reported to be about 6ft or so in lenght. except for the gulf of mexico i am thinking most of the squid were found in the Ring of Fire area. i personally think the ocean waters are getting warmer. alot warmer. global warming is in full swing and there is nothing we can really do to reverse it becouse in my belief the earth goes threw phases like this every few thousand years or so.